
It seems one of the gophers from my yard surfaced in Siberia.

Fucking hater...

Google "crime scene blood" if you want to see what real blood looks like.

Typical communist pinko motherfucker comment.

Take note, Liberal Arts and Library Science majors.

Reminds me of a problem they had in Gallup, NM.

Lots of drunks were pissing up against public and private buildings in Gallup.

So, the town bought a bunch of Porta-Potties and installed them in the downtown area.

The drunks started pissing up against them, too.

I am with a federal agency that is known for developing and maintaining nuclear weapons. All such folks have to have a very high security clearance.

I know several gays within our agency, male and female, and there is no problem with them coming out to their employer as a contractor or the federal government.


Elliot Rodger belonged in a mental institution. His parents are at fault for not protecting society from their deranged and dangerous son.

I work in a highly classified area at a government facility where microphones on computers are not allowed for security reasons. Bummer!

Your tax money at work.

Too late, the dog was euthanized.

What's a "snipper"? use a TASER, you have to get within 21 feet of that person with a gun; TASER wires are only 21 feet long. (Civilian versions of the TASER are worse - only 15 feet long)

It's legally, morally, and ethically reasonable to meet the threat of deadly force with deadly force.

This is an example of a liberal Democrat trying to understand the Earth.

I can't jump either...7 fused vertebrae. :(

Million dollar webpage? That's nuthin' when compared to the $600 million dollar webpage!

Only if they're cute.

Build it, house your homeless in it, and stop complaining about "the rich."