
Given the status of how income is treated in this country, is anyone really shocked about this?

There was a slide in the same area in 2006?'d think people who lived there were smarter than that and got the hell outta there.

Laser "canons"??

Gee, thanks Mr. Obama! :-)

My position has been validated by the fact that there have been several murderers who were not executed and did — in fact — commit additional murders of innocent victims.

I agree that the DP may not deter others who are contemplating murder.

"...The vast majority of killers don't kill again anyway..."

Oh really? me a killer who has been executed and has killed again.

The death penalty is a deterrence — killers who are executed will never kill again.

What's your point?

Rare photo of two F-16s landing simultaneously in perfect sync

My great-grandfather was an industrialist in the early 20th century who actually embraced unions...

Fact - porn sites were the first businesses to make money on the internet.

If they're in the direct path of And, that wasn't the case here.

Most of the USA is powered by coal.

Take your meds.

USPS, just make it $1 and leave us the fuck alone for the next 10 years.

Except one thing...if the movie were made in this time period, Joel Grey would never have been cast as an Asian; that'd be racist.

When I was a kid in Saudi Arabia, we lived on the Persian Gulf. We had many nights where phosphorescence was prevalent in the water. The most fun was to take a motorboat out and see the glowing pattern the propeller made.

Debbie Downer.