
It totally is a tough sell and an immensely stupid idea, but it scares the hell out of me that the current Supreme Court could buy it.

“False advertising is protected by the first amendment” seems like a tough sell. Imagine how much worse things will be if they win this case?

More than a decade ago, Warner Bros. settled a lawsuit with the tattoo artist who designed (and copyrighted!) Mike Tyson’s face tattoo which the movie studio had replicated exactly for a joke in The Hangover 2.

I’m a guy with an Xbox and PS5 both next to my TV. The people pushing the “Microsoft Bad” narrative only have one of those next to their TV. I’ll let you guess which one.

So Bungie joined sony with the promise of independence and that everyone would keep their jobs.

Destiny 2 is six years old. Most people have moved on to something else. Make a new IP or Destiny 3 at this point.

In what way..? He didn’t say anything about framerate.

I’m sorry a PC owner stole your boy and/or girl. That must have been really painful. Luckily you have your console to cuddle at night.

i have a harder time understanding how someone couldn’t understand it

I’m 36 and I’m now very excited and can’t wait for the day and time. ^^ I like the anticipation.

I’ll never understand the relentless obsession with this particular franchise. It’s the same basic game every time, just usually better than the last.

I thought people complaining about the occasional amouranth article in the past were being a bit dramatic but by now, yeah, I'm kinda over hearing about her.

What’s extra weird about this article is that Kotaku doesn’t shy away from calling out how billionaires suck and capitalism is making our lives worse in almost anything else.

Come on, now. When I say “smaller streamer,” you really think I mean someone with that small of an audience? I just find it weird that Kotaku seems to have such a fixation with this woman. That’s all. I meant no offense, surely.

How many Amouranth articles have you guys written at this point? Pretty sure the “Queen of Twitch” doesn’t need the extra exposure. Why not write some stuff about smaller streamers who could benefit instead?

Yeah, police chases aren’t great for public safety. You know what else isn’t great for public safety? A tractor on the highway.

There’s no telling what this guy had in mind, but it sure looked like he was driving in a way that intended to harm others for his bullshit political views. 


That’s shattered tempered glass from the cab.

that’s a teeny tractor. driven by a bigot, no less.