
I just read the synopsis for Brotherhood on Wiki. Sounds like I'm not missing much (continued war with the Borgias) and the end sequence which may or may not not have an effect on Desmond's team (which I already watched on YouTube).

No, Assassin's Creed III is coming out in 2012. This has been stated by the publisher and in numerous articles.

Am I really missing anything that important story wise? Something that's not going to be covered in Assassin's Creed 3?

Thanks. I only play the main story games, not the side-adventures of Ezio.

McDonald's had a line of transformer foods.

I think I still have those McDonald's food transformers in a box somewhere.

Here are some other ways to simiulate the 2011-2012 NBA season:

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

She's on my family plan. I had intended to give her my phone when I upgraded, but since the SIM can figure out what phone it's been inputted in, now I'm not sure that would be a good idea.

That's disappointing.

Wouldn't count on it. Especially after the earthquake in Japan. For awhile afterwards, because of the shortage, camera and lens prices went up by $100+.

"but what can you do?"

I suppose it depends on your point of view.

I should also note that I'm talking about the PC games. I didn't play the earlier console games, and refused to play Vegas because they took out the tactical aspects of the game and made it into a generic shooter.

I believe Rainbow Six: Vegas would disagree.

I believe most of the Rainbow Six fans will tell you that Vegas was one of the worst games in the series.

If you read the comments that I've read so far, I'd say we all understand it's a proof of concept.

If you'd expect it to be like this, be prepared to be disappointed.

Seemed more like QTE and checkpoint activations to me.

So, I didn't see any tactical elements to this game concept video.