
Why is chest hair okay and back hair not okay?

Don't know if it's fair to judge feminism as a whole by its resident assholes.

Seems a simple and CONSISTENT concept to me. But hypocrites tie themselves in illogical knots to argue it's not the same.

Bingo. What's amazing is they still try to justify their hypocrisy with bullshit arguments about it not being the same.

OMG, I make $9500 working 12 hours a week online.....YOU MUST BE MY SOULMATE!!!!!!

Okay, you can't imagine a healthy relationship where YOU aren't fighting, but not everyone is like that. Many fights are over stupid nonsensical stuff, and not everyone let's that sweat them. Different strokes for different folks.

Yeah, the whole homeschool movement is just a way of unhealthily sheltering kids from the real world. And a lot of it is just religious indoctrination in the form of education. (((shudder)))

That's rich coming from someone who constantly complains that guys won't put up her narcissistic attitude!

You know, sometimes I wish I could! But sexual orientation isn't a choice. So it's off to find those unicorns...

Truth. Finding a woman that's not fucking crazy, or isn't a lying cheat herself, is like finding a damned unicorn.

"assuming the victim is female is SEXIST."

Ignorance and sexism tend to go together.

Well, if it was a dude, why comment. Fuck that guy, he must deserve it!

The fuck is wrong with people. To pull this off you've got to be so much of an asshole that you can't contain it and you feel a desperate need to say the first asshole thing that comes out of your head. When has this shit ever worked??? Ever????

It helps to read the story...even just a little.

You mean like laughing about a woman shooting a man for not ejaculating enough? Or trying to outdo each other regarding just how much domestic violence they can commit?

Damn well said.