
This is what happens when you let women out of the kitchen and onto the internet

Better than the duckface...

Still better than Dragonball: Evolution

I'm sorry, this article was about crappy animation. What you posted were the finest examples of human achievement ever caught on film.

Lots of examples from this series. Honestly though? It's still my favorite and always will be:)

Pepero!! Korean's copycat product! Here's the real deal:

I went through 6 Xbox's with a red ring of death. None were played more than an hour at a time. Two failed the day I bought them. My PS3 updates and installs for 20-30 minutes every time I turn it on. Every new game requires checking for updates, installing, please wait. On PC, Jade Empire 100% will not run on

New DLC Confirmed for Goat Simulator.

This is not sudoku.

This is sudoku.

If he missed, would he commit Sudoku?

So... If this follows the Demon's Souls/Dark Souls route then in a couple of years we'll see a multi-platform unofficial sequel call "SanguineBorne" or something similar.

I'm excited and disappointed at the same time! :D

Darksouls...with guns? I can dig it.

The crowds and environments are next-gen as hell.

These communist teens sure got incredible arms strength. The West need to catch up. I sense the beginning of a 21st Century arms race.


A few years ago, 10 gigs for a game was absurd. Now that's standard. It's called technological advancement.