Is this the first ever article to break Betteridges law?
Is this the first ever article to break Betteridges law?
Yay unions!
Lol, yeah, this guy thinking Deadpool 2 is better than Black Panther is laughable.
No, it was fine. There were quite a few worse horror movies that could have been on there. It’s a weird pick.
that tweet is a real dumb take.
How did the commenter purge get rid of all the good commenters and now only haters are here?
No, but they own the name as a trademark, and the fact that bendersnatch used it in the show that was marketed as something they were negotiating for means they probably have a pretty good case.
Why doesn’t this have a million stars?
While I don’t think it’s as bad as you do, it definitely is much worse than the books in almost every way.
Just a reminder, a portion of all proceeds go to pay for keeping taxes so complicated you can’t do them on your own or just have the government do them.
Just a reminder, a portion of all proceeds go to pay for keeping taxes so complicated you can’t do them on your own…
Solid troll.
Solid troll.
You’re gettin trolled.
Also I believe when Donald Glover was in the running it was longer ago, and they went with Andrew Garfield, but that whole debate led to Bendis creating Miles Morales.
Having actually seen the movie, it definitely would have broken immersion to have subtitle’s pop-up.
When drug dealers are more concerned than big pharma... we might be fucked.
makes sense then to type out something like “The only thing that will make me happy is a full refund” or whatever is fair/reasonable, then delete it and ask “What can you do to make this right.” Use it as a negotiation tool to set the bar all the way to benefit you.
Splendor is probably my favorite simple board game. Food Chain Magnate, Shadows over Camelot, Dinosaur Island all rank up there on the heavier side.
Need those extra months to add some more bugs in.
You should dismiss that bad faith troll. A fun mix of racism and blind ignorance doesn’t deserve a platform here.