
Because the screechy old lady & the last man alive that thought the Bolshevik Revolution was a good idea (and was probably there) are all that much better? At least if we elected my dog, the worst sin he commits is maybe pooping in the rose garden or humping the leg of a visiting dignitary.

I’m opposed to the self-driving car simply because it’s design would necessitate the ability of law enforcement to have override control of your vehicle at any moment for any reason, and thus that ability can be exploited by others.

5 bankruptcies and over 500 successful businesses....we should all be such “failures”. Trump 2016!

Honestly, bankruptcies are the only way to turn some failing buisinesses around. Every time somebody mentions them in regards to Trump (in a negative regard) only shows ignorance on the subject.

Sure, even though Bernie only ever had one real ‘business’ venture, which isn’t really a market economy success but instead just a triumph of corruption.

The Subaru Impreza Casa Blanca.