
Perhaps for now, but the possibility of a supported mode is tantalizing, I must say.

Was almost halfway through this comment before I realized it wasn’t a joke ending: something something “DayZ”

Globe photo op was how I imagine a Cobra / The Office mixer going.

“Driftstang” may just be my new most-hated word.

600hp? Maybe replace those bent lug studs...

The response I saw was more along the lines of “I’m not worried about this, let the FBI finish this quickly so you can all join me in the not worried camp.” Honestly, I’m not sure what other tack she could have taken anyway. Looking defensive certainly wouldn’t have helped. If it hadn’t been for years of GOP rehashes

My ‘88 4x4 (in glorious Beige!) gets like 12, and that’s with the 350. How much worse is the big block?

“I told you A-holes not to put the charge port on the bottom! F**k it, I’m out.”

If the follow-up had mentioned making breakfast in bed, this would have all been fine, but Colin is Colin.

So, other than some portion of the people you spend half your waking hours around, there’s nobody gay around, and you can ignore those ones, so it’s all good?

If that thing was a real S and had the original engine, then there are dopes out there who’d think about paying that bill. But who knows, I haven’t looked at vintage 911 prices in the last couple years; maybe the bubble has reached new and monstrous proportions.

You can’t convince me that that Civic isn’t actually a model. A terrible, vomit-inducing model.

TIL that there is a subset of NASCAR tracks that even NASCAR people find boring.

Risk of Rain is not ‘purely a keyboard-only game.’ It supports, at the least, multiple 360 contollers for local co-op. It works fine with a keyboard, sure, but you could falsely warn people off the game with such poor wording.

I would MUCH rather have the Mako than the mind-numbing planet scanning of ME2.