Nah. Several years later, Firefox still has a lot of goodwill to recover after its (now former) CEO decided to back anti-gay legislation before I consider going back to using it.
Nah. Several years later, Firefox still has a lot of goodwill to recover after its (now former) CEO decided to back anti-gay legislation before I consider going back to using it.
This was a first date movie for me in 1987. Leaving the theater with my date was an awkward vibe. Fantastic movie though, Glenn Close was magnificent, even/especially when she was completely unhinged. Alex was easily the most sympathetic character in the story.
With the state of the world rn, I need this pettiness and silliness. Thank you, Bravo and thank you, Andy Cohen.
Google Voice lets you text and talk to anyone in the USA/Canada for free!
You can call over wifi/LTE instead of the crappy American voice networks.
She said in the reunion that she was going to keep her sobriety journey to herself from now on. I guess the poor thing must have misplaced it.
This makes a lot more sense in the UK, where “video nasties” were often outright banned, and these old VHS tapes were essentially contraband, so they’re particularly hard to find.
Agreed, and wasn’t there also a fuzzy videotape of it, too? It was a HUGE deal. Of course Cosby got more attention than R. Kelly, because Cosby is a household name and has been for decades, while R. Kelly is only recognized by people who follow that genre of music. It’s like comparing Madonna to Carly Rae Jepsen.
What are you even talking about?
You’re completely correct. That being said, the alternative is even worse. Most people don’t generally use a password manager at all. How many times have we seen a story that reveals that there are humans out there who still use 123456 as their password? How many people use the same password on every site?
They’re essentially the same - meaning all of your photos should have made the move, you shouldn’t have to re-upload anything.
Google announced Google Photos last week, a new photo hosting service that combines everything great about Google+…
I’m thinking I definitely need to get more RAM. Have to check the motherboard manual to see how much it can handle.
Are you fat-shaming google chrome? Real browsers gobble up ram, or something like that.
you know what’s even better? Downloadr!
I can't seem to locate this station in Pandora. Is it yours? Is it shared? Do you have the user's name who created the station? Thanks.
Yeah, I was actually inspired by the post at How-To Geek about snapshots, and I thought we should do a bigger post that included a step-by-step for Sandboxie, too—and then Cameyo came on the scene and we had a nice even (odd) three!
BitTorrent isn’t the quiet haven it once was. These days, everyone’s looking to throttle your connection, spy on…