

*eyeroll* The media loves a good Madonna controversy. Frankly, it was the only part of the show full of minor "stars" that was worth watching and making it a "race" issue is so ridiculous. Slow news day? 

I currently pay $9.95 for 1TB of extra storage. I’ve had a Gmail account since day one, got into the habit of archiving EVERYTHING, plus I have uploaded my extensive music collection to both Google Drive and Google Play Music and I store my photos in their original form on Google Photos. I am happy to see they’re

My biggest auto regret is buying a Mazda RX8..The car is gorgeous and fun as hell to drive, but almost immediately I started noticing problems. At first they were small and covered by the warranty, but after the warranty expired EVERYTHING went wrong with the rotary engine, in spite of my meticulous maintenance

It’s my personal favorite. It’s longevity isn’t a fluke, it’s good tv.

Might sound shallow, but Chrome is much prettier than Firefox - the new Firefox, especially.

It was a total travesty that she wasn’t nominated for an Academy Award that year. Great performance. Great film.

Are you kidding me? The show has never been better! Don’t change a thing! All the women are awful in their own way and no one woman is any better than the other. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! This isn’t PBS.

I have a friend from the past who is having a rough time of it with regards to some personal issues. He wrote me a ten page email two weeks ago and I have yet to read it because it’s so long and I know I’ll have to respond with a significant reply. I keep putting it off, so I printed it out to read tomorrow in the

She’s as guilty as the man third in line at a gang bang.

Yup. Mine was a piece of sh*t on four wheels. Total nightmare from beginning to end, and YES, I maintained it VERY well, changed the oil often, etc., but the hits just kept on a coming. You couldn’t pay me to drive another Mazda product (rotary or regular engine) after they sold me that piece of junk. It was good

Lydia’s pothead mom should be one of the housewives, not her boring horse-toothed daughter. I’ll miss that rich-bitch Heather! She was the only semi-sane cast member.

*eyeroll* That’s like saying never buy toilet paper and use newspaper instead to save trees. Unkempt lawns are as gross as dirty assholes. Yuck and no thank you.

The White (Trash) House. Bigly SAD.

Candy Spelling is a greedy, stingy woman. She lives in a $100 million apartment and her daughter needs financial help? I would be so bitter!

One word: clusterf*ck.

You’re completely mischaracterizing the show. I know it’s “cool” to be snarky, but at least know what you’re talking about before you write such drivel.

Thank God! After Gmail, Voice is my most used Google product. I’d be lost without it, even in it’s present form, so these additional features are very welcome. I can’t wait for it to roll out.

Glad you included the oft-overlooked Google Keep. It’s indispensable to me. I hope more people give it a try.