
I'd give my left testicle for one.

I love the new ATS's. Great choice and definitely better than a Mustang, in my opinion.

You'e right. I think it's just the angle of the photograph that makes it look more narrow. I'd like to see the new one be closer to the size of a Mustang or a Mazda RX8, but I'm not holding my breath!

Not exactly practical, but it does have four "doors" and the rotary engine, while quirky and maintenance-heavy because it requires lots of oil, is fun as hell to drive and you don't see yourself coming and going.

I'm a big Google Keep fan, too! So nice to jot stuff down on my computer and pull it back up on my phone when I'm at the grocery store or work or wherever and whenever I need to access that information. It's a great app.

From the picture, it looks like it's not as wide as the current model. I hope that's true because I've always thought the Camaro was too wide and flat. To me, this looks more like a sports-car than a muscle-car, which is a good thing, in my opinion.

Yes, I'm actually using Feedly regularly now and I've gotten used to it, so I'm not missing Reader much anymore. For a time, I was also using Feedspot, but I prefer Feedly because of the few "themes" is has available and because I think it's probably not going anywhere anytime soon because of it's popularity.

We are all DEFINITELY freaking out too much. I don't know a person in the world who would even think to buy a new car or truck in the last two months during one of the worst winters on record. I mean, it's come one snowstorm after another after another, so that has a lot more to do with sales than anything else, in

I love this article, especially spending a few minutes, before you get your day started, counting your blessings. I will definitely avail myself to that suggestion. You did a great job putting everything into perspective, so thanks for that!

I backup my music and photos and videos to Google Drive. I have most everything cataloged and organized, so as I buy more music or take more pictures and videos, I go straightaway to Google Drive and upload it as I go. Not a fan of the automatic backup stuff. It's too disorganized for my taste.

I learned the hard way a long time ago to NEVER trust ANYBODY in the workplace. People will stab you in the back and talk about you when you're nowhere around and sabotage your success at every turn, even those few people you consider to be "friends".

I have to use Chrome Apps because I can't download apps. I use a Chromebook, which I LOVE, and their Google Docs and Drive and can't imagine working any other way at this point.

That's a good question. I believe (but can't confirm, but will investigate) that the "cash advance" is considered a purchase from Google, not a cash advance. What you definitely can do, however, is make your credit card the main funding source for purchases. At least that's how I make purchases online. I'm still

You can always get on your Wallet app and direct all purchases you make with Google Wallet to come from a particular card, which then applies as money spent for your reward bonuses. That's what I do for my GM Mastercard.

Doesn't work that way? It works that way for me. Perhaps we're talking about two different things?

About the Google Wallet card. I use mine constantly, both online and in retail stores and ATM's. You can attach ALL of your credit cards and bank accounts onto that one card, instead of lugging them all around in your wallet or purse. I thought that was the purpose of having the physical card. It essentially is a

I just thought about this, so I'm replying to you again. If you recently changed your Google password, make sure you also changed it in Google Voice, too. That's happened to me a couple of times in the past, when for whatever reason, I changed my password for Gmail, but forgot to update Google Voice with the new

Yeah, I've never had a problem with the integration on my family plan. Have you called Sprint or maybe checked your settings in Google Voice? Maybe unintegrate and reintegrate would "refresh" it?

I was always partial to the ones with shutters on the back window. It was kewl!