Get over yourself, Nancy. The president is trying to fix the sad state of our great country. He has his priorities. You're not one of them.
Get over yourself, Nancy. The president is trying to fix the sad state of our great country. He has his priorities. You're not one of them.
I had many horrific experiences with Vista when it first came out, but must admit that it's been a terrific operating system since SP1 came out. I installed SP2 today and maybe it's just my imagination, but everything in general seems "snappier" and overall faster and more "sound".
I agree with rednrowdy. She's missing that 80's Tanya Harding "bang ball". And her hair is way too straight. Where's the kind?
Wow. Finally an episode worth watching. I love me some train-wreck tv.
I think she looks awesome. Good for her for always pushing the envelope and working with different photographers. Not every photo an artist takes in her lifetime is meant to be becoming.
Hey, why isn't there anything for Indianapolis? Remember "One Day At A Time"?
I'll totally use this when it's released. I sometimes use gmail tasks, but more often than not still rely on the old-fashioned post-it notes.
I used BC all the time when I was a Firefox user, but after Google Chrome came out I couldn't pull myself away because of the sheer speed. So, what I do is copy my BC signature and paste it into a couple hundred gmail drafts at a time. It only takes a few minutes and now when I want to compose a new email, I simply…
I can't wait for gDrive as I have bought extra space for my ever-expanding gmail account that I use for the very purpose gDrive is being developed. A desktop client to upload entire folders would really be great!
Congratulations Gina! You and Lifehacker have made such a huge impact on my life. I started out as just a casual reader and you turned me into a true geek. The direction and focus of my career has totally changed because of you and the rest of the bloggers at Lifehacker. Thank you so much!
Gmail labs keep getting better and better. I will use this feature daily. Way to go, Google!
Nothing works better for me than downloading torrents via my Limewire Pro..
To me, beta implies "ahead of the game" and slightly "experimental".. definitely a good thing. Because so many of Google's products are and always have been in beta I don't associate beta with anything negative as far as performance goes, though sometimes my favorite beta products meet an untimely end (Google…
I'll give Google Chrome more of a try once it stops crashing my firewall and working better. When I was logged into my gmail account in Chrome, the page did load uber-fast, but all in all its all kind of awkward right now. Where's the polish?
The best gmail filter for me is using it to send important emails to my mobile phone. When I am away from my office and am waiting on an important email from someone in particular I filter it to my Sprint phone ( and when it arrives I receive it in the form of a text message. I…