
That is one of my biggest pet peeves!

*Should of

None of the stars! Black holes! Black holes for you!

In the way that a burning building is fun to watch, but I generally prefer not to be watching from inside the building.

Nice try Hydra agent Shiz. Nice try...

It is more bananas that this is from 2007 and shows up in our side-bars

This was my first clue that this was Kinja showing a very old article in the side bar.

Not if I see you first! haha just kidding, bud

Looking forward to the Overwatch release. Gonna practice and really get the game down, then jump right in the action with my favorite character. See you on Playstation!

sounds great. can’t wait to “shoot ‘em up” online with the boys. see you guys there!

The fact that they’re panning Zorn and looking forward to the terrible shitshow that will be RHPS without Tim Curry throws every other review into question IMO.

+2 snaps

I’m hoping they use all this back story to put together an Overwatch campaign mode as DLC or something. God, I’d buy the hell out of that.

Listen, I’m not defending Larry.

Hillary just killed that defense by saying she would put him in charge of her Presidency’s economic policy!

Well Hillary blew that argument up when she said he’d be in charge of the goddamned economy if she’s elected! WHYYYYYY would she kill this defense she had? Fucking Christ on a crutch it's like they want to lose.

Filed under “well, he’s not WRONG...”

he’s openly gay.