
I'm convinced that Dmitri Martin is just a clone of Steve Jobs

I'm no conspiracy theorist, but I find it incredibly hard to believe that DARPA lacks the resources to track this thing. Especially given the fact that... you know.. they already "lost" one.

Some lucky family in 2025 just got a new skylight.


Thanks for posting this.

For some reason that Dragon Tattoo reference made me realize that Daniel Craig and Vladmir Putin look frighteningly similar. Apparently that realization has already been made.. but wow.

Hahahaha. Made my night.

2,475m = 2.475km

lol. not at all my point, but if you don't see what i'm saying by now you're either just trolling or beyond hope.

I see what you're saying, I really do. But the word choice in this article alone advances my argument:

No no, I just meant in the sense that traveling back and forth to low earth orbit (hopefully) won't be nearly as big of a deal.

I sincerely hope that the term "astronaut" becomes outdated within the decade.

Scuba Diving 101... don't touch anything you didn't bring down with you. Unless you're a scientist, working to recover an object, or spearfishing. You can have all the experience you want, but encouraging other people to touch, let alone "hug and kiss" a shark? Idiotic.

Haha well put.

After watching the last olympics... I'm convinced that this is just a decoy.

It is an F-16, nice spot.


Well said, welcome to Gizmodo.

There's a pretty widespread demand for it in the Minnesota college crowd as well, so I wouldn't be surprised to see this in a rich kid's apartment