
What's worst part about getting your credit card declined? Reaching back into your wallet to find that none of your cards are good. Embarrassing!

@heartagram_ben: That's an interesting observation. I haven't done any research, but from a purely logical viewpoint I see it this way: creating energy requires energy, and generating power for an electric vehicle is (roughly) a one step process rather than two or more.

So.. correct me if I'm wrong, but if someone could actually fully process what they're seeing in videos like this, they'd be able to watch a 10 minute clip in a fraction of the time. Am I right? If it's even possible for a human brain to do, that'd be unbelievable.

Cool app, but it'd be even better if it could use the iPhone 4's front facing camera.

Now playing

Just FYI, the "smaller previous project" is the wind veil at the Minnesota Twin's new stadium (Target Field) in Minneapolis. The effect is pretty mesmerizing.

see heres the thing... they don't work. even remotely. it's an aural placebo.

@RainyDayInterns: And the step or five after that... nano-sized bots that can reconfigure into components of a larger structure... ie, self-repairing autonomous flying machines.