Let me introduce you to Barbie and He-Man toys from the 80s...
Let me introduce you to Barbie and He-Man toys from the 80s...
FemShep is canon.
FFVI is the definitive Moogle.
Damn, I was hoping for a prestige show on AMC/HBO.
Who would have the thought the true Destiny Killer would be Bungie?
God DAMN, Tifa.
You swear people actually watch this show?
JFC how stupid.
It’s Gyllenhall then.
When me president, they see.
Whatever happened to the improved compression of the PS5 cutting down game sizes?
If that cadence is untenable at your current staffing levels, there’s been what...6000 people involved in game development enter the job hunt recently.
I turned down HUD size to 75% and that was a game changer, the screen is MUCH less cluttered. I am experimenting with the different other HUD settings like compass and stamina bar stretching and the curvature of the HUD, which I kind of like.
I still occasionally install Gold on my rig these days and scratch that itch.
I love Neverwinter Nights too.
I disagree with you, because of the camera evidence. the one time cops kind of face consequences is when there’s great video evidence.
This is a 100% perfect trailer for a Borderlands movie. No notes, they deserve a bonus for making that trailer.
I’m going to lease a bz4x tonight, but if I was more confident about hydrogen here in CA, I’d jump on this.