
I always figured this was going to be a kind of victory lap for the old school X-men, so I fully expect Famke Janssen, James Marsden, Ray Park, Halle Berry, Anna Paquin, Rebecca Romijn, et al to cameo.

The problem is this is a quick and dirty port to translate between the OG code designed for x86 and the Switch is ARM based.

Didn’t one of the first Hellcats delivered in the US not survive the drive home?

Good. Bungie has mismanaged Destiny and the game has been bleeding for a long time.

Speaking of nerfed bodies, R6S has a Chun-Li skin and they did a bad job:

Godzilla 2014 was ok, pretty decent setup.


Wow, she thinks this is the way to forgiveness?!

She’s so transparently full of shit.

From my experience, they should have kept what worked in CoD4 and MW2. But they are trying to increase engagement to get you to pay $20 for a skin every month and that’s never going to work since there are so many different styles of play now.


I got lucky and first round she rushed my team and my embiggened fiery bae Karlach chucked her ass into the bottomless pit.

A party member? She is still falling.

BG2 was such a formative memory that I don’t think it can ever be topped in my mind...but BG3 is probably its equal at this point.

This reads like you’ve been fooled by the marketing. This is no different than any other season other than these people are your parents/grandparents instead of your peers.

Art imitates life.

What did all 150 remaining Destiny 2 addicts expect?

I’m sure all five Destiny 2 simps will rush out to buy Witcher 3 for this crossover.

They are vaulting it?

I just sent Netflix an email with my college CG short film from 1998 and the local public access show we did for the Media courses.

Mongo Longdongo

The infantilization is weird.