
The amount of idiots in this thread, is truly disheartening.

That’s not a solution.

WTF? Enthusiasts!?!?


How the F am I in the greys, and this guy posts?

Please find a fire, and leap into it.

04-09 9-5’s are unrivaled in reliability.

What sort of sorcery is this? I defy you to find the driver in this still.

Uncomfortable to watch.

Hoped to see this, wasn’t let down.

Fold all of these up, and place them in an uncomfortable place.

How is he at home in sweats when they announce the pic, but then walking on stage in a suite at the 2018 draft?

Vince McMahon = Steve Buschemi

With Zero Respect. Your opinion sucks.

Why were the front wheels smoking?

Stuck in the greys, but what the heck.

The 28th skier, may have been an actual talent, but couldn’t afford to go to 20 different World Cup events.

Just imaging the level of vitriol if this was a Trump offspring.

Can anyone explain “weather delays” and or how it made a athlete to skip this event?

See what ya did there