
I used to have an 06 STi back when they were new. I remember some guy was like man, you must get alot of chicks with that car eh? My response,”The only thing this car attracts is teenage boys and cops.”

Its ok to drive a people killing tank as long as it's electric. 

Stuff I use alot, like ratcheting screw drivers, I buy “fancy” but the stuff I use once or twice a year, as long as it’s not safety critical I buy cheap. But I’ve been finding good deals a swap meets recently. I bought a couple of snap on wrenches for 50¢ a piece awhile back, even though I didn't need them...

Any price drops should be made on the model 3. That 4k off 75k isn't anything, but 4k off a model 3 would really help move them. Especially once all the other EVs start coming out.

I totally agree. Erik shit sucks right now, doubling down only makes it suck more. 

Says civic, posts integra. The Integra Type-R is the new version of the all original matching numbers 1 of 10 muscle cars. 

I wonder if the gladiator dude is in the military. I knew a bunch of guys like this, they make decent money they can count on every two weeks so they make stupid financial decisions like that. I make $5000 a month so I spend $5000 a month. 

These cars are really the type that need to be scene in person to really appreciate. The elaborate paint jobs and attention to detail on the well done ones are really awesome. I was at TAS back like in 2009 and I swear the parking lot was alot cooler than the show itself. Seeing a full row of these is rad.

I second this. Show us some, donks, lowriders, and other car cultures that we don't see everyday. He'll maybe get into the brodozer scene and see what they're all about.

My wife has lupus and this year has been stressful as fuck for me. How did your friend fair? My wife also has lung issues so we both know it'll be rough for her if she got it, but I've looked online and haven't read much about people with lupus and how they react to the covid.

Get a first or second gen Forester. When you're done fucking around with your project car you have a perfect base for another project car. STi swapped Foresters are the coolest.

I imagine all those entities coming together in a dark cave plotting against Tesla. Then the roof just falls off by itself and they're just like, "Nah, let's wait." 

Midori green is the best green. Even better than BRG. 

I would be cool if the range extender was a 3 cylinder ecoboost. I would want to see people modding their range extending engines, the new motor sport of battery charging will then be born. 

It’ll still be ND after whoever buys it at 20k ends ups listing it on CL for 18k once they can no longer afford maintenance costs.

WRX should be fairly competitive and have a useable back seat. Should be well under 40k so you'll have plenty to spend on vapes and flat brim hats.

I never understood people building a car that won't pass smog. Smog is inevitable, you'll have to get one done eventually, why fix or mod your car just to deal with the headache of not being able to pass your car? I have only lived in California for a year and I already think about passing smog when I look at project

Now make it 200 hp with 220 torks, give it street aero, and see how many laps it’ll do before running out of charge. An E-veloster with those specs that can do 200 miles would definitely be on my wish list.

Im always tempted to get into a GTi. But the general consensus is, they're great cars...until the warranty runs out. Which sucks cause I got a 15 Passat that's doing great but it's only at like 25k miles.

Another point for the dogs. So far all I’ve seen cats do is let senior citizens know that they'll die soon. And even then I think that might have been an episode of the simpsons.