Same thing happened to our Passat. A wild rabbit took shelter in the front bumper and a two stray dogs chewed and scratched up the car trying to get it out.
Same thing happened to our Passat. A wild rabbit took shelter in the front bumper and a two stray dogs chewed and scratched up the car trying to get it out.
The want is real for this. I live in a small town and could easily see this replacing the cars for around town errands.
Its all part of BMW’s strategy. BMW has always be the one to beat so they’re gonna roll out a fucking hideous car, everyone is going to try to copy and when they do BMW will do an early cycle refresh for the front and it will look amazing compared to the other grills with wheels on the market.
How much money will it really save though? A couple hundred bucks? I think at this point most American consumers want 35k cars that “feel” like 50k cars. Nobody wants to buy the base, manual ,cloth seat,n touch screen models except us jalops. And even then we'll only buy them used because new car depreciation is for…
I'm so happy my son grew out of Thomas the train. I hated the show, and the insanely expensive toys.
Some idiot is going to buy one, drive it 500 miles a year. And try to sell it in a decade for 80k. "Rare "Wild Cherry" Camaro! 1 of 1 made with these shitty options and stupid ass taped on stripes. Reminds me of this guy I used to work with who bought a "transformer" Camaro as an "investment". He would drive the car…
And he'll call them out on Twitter, letting his loyal and fanatic muskivites attack and dox the family.
I've been wanting one of these for a DD for the longest time but that manual is super rare. That being said anyone with a manual always"know what they have" and the prices are never decent. These aren't type-Rs the car is a bit sporty and a bit fun to drive but they aren't rare collectables.
A brand new Land Cruiser. Her and my dad have put on 180k miles on their 2001 and as much as I try to convince her to get a smaller RAV4 or even a minivan, she refuses. She likes big ass SUVs because it makes her feel safer.
I agree, story time please.
Hopefully an outsider like him will be more willing to try to change HD's image and sell cheaper and smaller bikes. Nobody is gonna have buku bucks to buy high end HD bikes right now or in the near future. Sell some stylish 300cc bikes for cheap and have HD stores offer free MSF riding courses with purchase. They'll…
If the cost to get one of these CA compliant wasn’t so absurd I would already have one in my garage, that or the cappuccino.
They should just start another article called, " David, what Jeep do I need?"
I just wanna say those cars mentioned are just as boring as any Honda or Toyota. You want quirky and unique? The aftermarket has got you covered. 10k will get you a nice Element and you might have enough for a Pegasus mural on the side.
Looks like a cool spring. Looks like the protective coating came off and it broke where it rusted. Replace it yourself and you can write an article about how great it feels to wrench on your car vs taking it to the shop and getting ripped off and feeling good about saving an hour.
Jitterbug needs to make cars for old people. If it senses anything crazy, ie flooring it in reverse it'll have the car stop go stop go to let the driver know they're fucking up. The lettering on on shifter will be big as fuck and have a speaker," your car is now in drive" They cars acceleration will be electronically…
Just finishing up, " Western Fertilizer Handbook" for school. Been thinking about getting a leisure book but with a 5 and a 6 y at old at home, I don't know how I'll find the time to read peacefully.
Nissan is already in trouble, a shit ton of used Nissans selling at leas than half off MSRP will be another nail in the coffin.
this looks amazing. I would love it if my small neighborhood did something like this. But as it is people can't even drive the 20mph, people are at least doing 30-40mph. Some developer should create a housing development like this and see how it works out.
I have a 5 and 6 year old. I also know some big ass corn fed kids. Even at their most corn feddest they were not that large at 5. Kid is at least 10. That being said, someone needs to get this kid in a lambo for a ride along to a McDonald’s drive thru.