
Thats the only type of people I see driving these cars. They just bought the AMG version because it's the most expensive one. They don't care that is has insane power or massive brakes. Mercedes should just make a ME trime (most expensive) and cater to the people who buys these. Massive smart touch screen mirrors in

Its insane that people will think there is some magic trick to get out of a car underwater. The older I get the more I realize how terrible most Americans are with their money. Good thing is "kicking the trade" will only work once. You'd be stupid to finance someone with a history of ditching their underwater cars.

Its not hard to lie to someone when you’re telling them what they want to hear.

I moved to California in the summer and my dreams of a fun and cheap car build was quickly squashed when I was reading up on all the CARB stuff. I’m all about better air quality and whatnot but they should really give anything 25 years or older be CARB exempt and just needs to pass a sniffer test.

Now use that money saved to buy more tools. The right tools make everything way easier, learned it with cars and now I’m learning it with woodworking.

We lived and worked on military base for the last 8 years. Work, school,and the store was only like 3 minutes away. Our 2015 Passat that we bought new only has 20k miles. 

Ive seen a handful online that are past 150k. I'm hoping to convince my wife to keep it forever until the kids are off to college. I could see it last another 13 years.

My wife keeps talking about getting a new van. But our Mazda5 is paid off and only has 40k on it. I keep telling her we’ll get one when they make an electric Sienna or Odyssey.

Why can't the SI come with a hatchy back? Everyone praises the SI, especially for it's El Manuel but without a hatchback it'll never never make it on my list of cars to buy.

MREs don't give you diarrhea, they give you constipation. Ask me how I know...

Same. I like to do things by the book, do it right the first time. My dad on the other didn't make our relationship any worse nor did it make anything better. But it did teach me how do things with my own kids. My son is 5 and he loves to help with anything that involves tools, especially power tools. My

Crown Vic with koala and kangaroo livery or you're doing it wrong. 

This is what we need. A giant grill to end all giant grills. All these designers think that the giant grills are the future, hopefully this will show them that it isn’t. People won’t buy the car and BMW will shift back to small grills and others will follow.

I keep getting recalls for the lift back strut on my Mazda5. I tell my wife that it’s not a big deal and we can wait till we have time to take it in.

Nissan should just adopt the Dodge way. Stuff the GTR motor in everything. A 600hp AWD Versa would be fun.

We’ll never get it in the US. The least they could do is give the fit a hybrid version with this styling. 50mpg with cute aesthetics is what we need, not angry “tough” looking cars that look like they are constantly ready to fight.  

This sucks cause everyone with an old Datsun will have that page bookmarked and ready when they try to sell their rusted out POS for 15k. “15k firm. Price is so cheap because it needs alot of work, needs engine, trans and body work but title is clean. These cars can be worth 300k when done right (insert BaT link)."

I want a reliable, safe, gas sipping car that can seat two adults, two kids and a week's worth of groceries.What is the CHEAPEST car for this. I'm talking about higher mileage, 4 owners cheap. 

Are you me? I rode alot when I was younger and then I got old and boring (33). I mentioned to a friend that I was planning on getting back into ridding and he told me to go to a meet up with the local vet riding club. It was all alot older guys riding HDs and it did not feel welcoming at all. All of them with their

They’ll just make the mistake of it being about old boomers vs the world and the whole movie would be Trump rallies and a trip to Strugis. It would just be another nail in the coffin.