
OK, this is bullshit, they overbooked the flight and I promise you there was a way to compensate a passenger to willingly get off the airplane. $2K? $10K? A first class flight to Paris for two and a hotel voucher? Charter a private jet to take their 4 employees that absolutely had to be there? There was a solution to

The legging incident is a non-story. If you are flying on a buddy pass, there is a clear dress code and those passengers did not meet it. If you are paying full price though like this doctor, the airline looks clearly in the wrong.

Eh, Leggingsgate was a bunch of people getting upset for no real reason. If you want to fly for free/heavily discounted airfares because you know someone who works for the airline, follow their fucking rules.

Here is Rule 5(G) of United’s Contract of Carriage:

Standard AA Duracells, like have been used in headphones with active noise cancellation for at least 15 years.

The USPS is a government bureaucracy that attempts to operate like a for-profit corporation. Regardless of where you stand on government versus free enterprise it collides the worst elements of both.

Such idiocy. If I was a scientist in America, I’d look an opportunity to jump ship to Canada for four years, and if I was in the Canadian government, I’d try to poach as many American scientists as possible in the same window. It may not show in the bottom line of the Republicans’ backers immediately, but the long

It’s a great airplane. Flies a huge distance.

He very clearly left an “out” for a few decent Patriots fans, and it sounds like the touching story of your father would fit you in that category. Unfortunately you blew it in the last two sentences. May the Lord curse you such that if you henceforth ever mutter “they hate us cause they ain’t us” that you will shit

Your dad would be proud at what an insufferable fuck you’ve grown into. Good to know you’re the only person who’s ever suffered loss in the world.

I feel for your pain. And I’m going to try to say this in the nicest way possible, but ... he wasn’t the entire country’s father.

Even their booing of Goodell is tainted. Everyone else hates him because of bullshit like punishing weed worse than domestic violence, covering up CTE, or arbitrary bullshit like punishing players for celebrating or wearing the wrong shoes.

You’re’s coaching that prepares you to have the mentality that if you don’t need a stretcher get the fuck off the field. The players should have known it because they should have been coached that way. Is it why they lost the Super Bowl? No, but it certainly helped.

It’s also the correct one. If you don’t need a stretcher and a medical team to stabilise you before moving, you limp your ass to the sideline and take 30 seconds off the clock…

I’m not getting paid for these.

There were also a few Falcons injuries where they had to stop the clock and I know this will sound bad but I was thinking at the time, “you might be hurt, but you have to get up and get off the field and not allow the refs to call an injury time out. That clock has to keep running.”

The Benz is the first production automobile using an internal combustion engine. It is the true genesis of the mass produced car of today. Yes, there were earlier automobiles that used a variety of engines, and most were not really mass produced.

Ah, the megahertz myth is alive and well, I see. A modern Intel CPU has around one and a half billion transistors, and the Apple II’s 6502 process had three and a half thousand. That’s around 400,000 times more transistors.

This is utterly ridiculous.

But there’s absolutely nothing new there. Thompson was writing 45 years ago about how a complete basket case like Thomas Eagleton could get appointed a VP candidate, simply because nobody in the press corps wanted to risk access by pointing out that nuclear weapons could end up in the hands of a manic depressive.