God damn, 49er fans are really going after the title of "The Worst Fucking Fans on Earth"
God damn, 49er fans are really going after the title of "The Worst Fucking Fans on Earth"
Who dis?
OH, NO! Sandals with socks!? Not cool, bro. Not cool.
In a week or two I'd really be interested in how this game is selling. It's been my experience that pure survival/horror games don't exactly fly off the shelves. If this bombs, as well as the Silent Hills game, whenever that comes out, we may never see a pure S/H game again, at least from a major publisher anyway.
A bobcat. No question. http://www.soundboard.com/sb/Bobcat_soun…
Really? That's what's eating you? A trophy for picking up dead ghost?
I wrote a thoughtful reply to what you said...then erased it by mistake. I kinda don't want to write it again, though.
Makes sense. I like your assessment of the game. It's more eloquent than what I said.
I don't. Which is a problem considering I seldom play it and still manage to win.
Smash Bros. isn't a fighter, it's a button masher. Just mash buttons with someone else. Lil' Mac is cool though, the little guy has got swag.
I know guys that love women that know how to throw a punch.
Ah, got it. Couldn't some better scheduling remedy that? Just make sure teams playing Thursday don't play the previous Sunday. I've got to be honest, I assumed that was the case. I'll side with Mr. Foster on this one then.
How is TNF any more dangerous for players than football on any other day?
*In the voice of Lord Shaxx* Haha, not likely!
I tip my hat to you sir/ma'ma. Somewhere along on that ride you more than likely killed me and I probable did the same to you. We shared a moment even though we didn't know it. That's why I likes my vidya games. It's all about connection.
Damn, guy, that's rough, I'm sorry. Life has cruel sense of humor, sometimes, when it mixes what's supposed to be an awesome event with a tragic one. Hopefully you became a stronger person because of this.
Don't even like mountain dew but I'll try these out of shear morbid curiosity.
Little known fact: I was actually featured in a IGN article where at the Halo 3 midnight launch I was asked to chug a copiousness about of the Halo 3 mountain dew in one shot for a free t-shirt. I choked on said dew but still finished and won the shirt. Still got the t-shirt. Do know where my pride went, though.
There's was like no difference between the two.