I think you dropped this gif yesterday. I'm not hatin' though, it's funny as hell, and I'm sure not enough people saw it. I'll never look at this dude the same way again, lol.
I'm not! I'll be more than happy to buy one years later at a fraction of the original price.
Is "Cush" short for something? Is it Cushions? Is your full name Andrew Cushions? WHAT ARE YOU HIDING MR. CUSHIONS!?!?
Well, you nailed it. I disagree. I play about 4-6 matches about 3 to 5 days out of the week on average. I have a lots of card, though not many legendarys. I usually always do the quests. Win a few matches with this hero. Use this minion. So on and so forth. I average about 120 gold a night, all while watching a few…
LOL, there's more people on the court than there are in the seats.
I don't think it's very good honestly. Steve's right, the mechanics are sound, but it's just kind of bare bones. I don't like the maps. And then you just grab the weapons you managed to find that aren't completely terrible for PvP and use those...endlessly. I have like 2 good PvP main weapons. The powers help mix it…
Maybe they can. She's still got her Nike contract last time I heard.
You're wrong there. You really don't have to spend a dime on the game to get good at it and get cards. The game practically pukes gold at you. Anyone who's played the game know this. Have you played this game?
LOL, I know what it is nutbag. My China Lake is derived from my ethnicity/name/and the fact I like to destroy things. This China Lake looks so nice and shiny, though. Too bad it's not legal to own one...cause, I'd totally own one.
What's this?
Rolling my eyes at this shit.
Well, we are in an booty-eating renaissance, apparently.
LOL, what in the fuck happened there!? That was hilarious. Say, Chris, I heard Nicki Minaj is a gamer. You should interview her. Just don't get a lapdace from her and end up embarrassing yourself like Drake.
This thing is pretty cool.
I don't play LoL, but this stuff is pretty common in a lot of online games. I think the best a dev can do is put tools in place to help weed out the worst of the bunch, but those folks aren't going anywhere. It's a symptom of the world we live in. I walk out onto the streets of my city and if you close your eyes and…
I think you're miscalculating the players. Only the most psycho players have been able to do this raid. A lot of my friends are just run of the mill gamers and it's going to take them 2, maybe 3, more weeks to be able to tackle this thing at the pace we're going.
I'd love to do this soon. I'm lvl 24 and climbing but trying to get my friends together, let along 5 of them, is like herding cats. If anyone knows a XB1 clan I could join that loves to get shit done, yeah...that would be great.
I've got that one, too.