
As a teacher, gotta disagree about the bathroom thing. Most kids that age have already developed their gender identity, and one thing they know is that boys don’t go into the girls’ toilets. That’s not a rule thing - it’s an identity thing. Boys don’t go into the girls’ toilets, because only girls go in there, and I’m

Libraries get rid of book ALL the time for a myriad of reasons. This book sounds like a great example of book that could indeed be taken off the shelves. As the librarian mentions, they have lots of superhero books so this isn’t going to leave a hole in their offerings. As the writer mentions, this one has only one

Teasing someone until they cry is called bullying. I dealt with this by going straight to the parent and telling her that her son was nor allowed to play with my daughter any more. I also informed the teacher and other school officials of the situation and had a long talk with my daughter about what a bully was and

As another teacher I would disagree that male and female negative behavior is treated the same except possibly in a special needs classroom. Many, many studies have been done showing that girls who are loud, disruptive, violent, etc. are shut down and disciplined much more quickly and stringently than boys doing the

I agree with you on this, that once the books have been bought you shouldn’t censor them or take them off the shelves, but I think it’s still good that she called out the librarian. They are the ones who decide what books to buy. So maybe next time she’s buying a superhero book, she will think about that mom who

Actually the teacher acknowledged that the kid’s behavior was problematic- she just excused it based on his hard life. Girls acting out in these ways is generally not acceptable. Boys will be boys and girls will be punished for not being nice, sweet, quiet, and calm.

I didn’t mind the way she handled the karate thing. And I thought it was awesome how receptive the karate teacher was to the criticism!

Can’t agree there. I was totally on board with her complaining about another child teasing her kid until she cries. One may or may not agree about the pretend guns, but that level of teasing is not teasing anymore; it is flat-out bullying.

I didn’t say you said depression was selfish. I said that you said people who act (not always fully rationally while depressed) in certain ways are selfish. (Specifically, you said people who lie to loved ones when depressed are acting selfish.) Which you did. I already quoted where.

But here’s the thing: depression doesn’t give a shit about any of that. Depression isn’t reasonable. Depression doesn’t want you to share your feelings, because that would make them real. And if you did share your feelings, depression would sink even further in by making you feel guilty for bringing other people down.

The absolute most selfish thing you can do...

The last thing I want when I’m depressed and don’t want to go anywhere is for someone to come into MY space with soup and company, no matter how delicious the soup or how charming the company. When I want to be alone, that’s just what I want: aloneness.

Until recently, you simply got a vote by being a member of an an affiliated union (the Labour party). I can’t legally vote in the UK because I’m a foreign national, but I was able to vote for the Labour Party leader in the election before Corbyn.

The most effective step would be to remove corporate money from the equation - no purchased ads allowed - everyone gets equal public television coverage.

Straight to hell.

I’m sure it is a lie and attempt at defense...but why do they think it is a better thing that they didn’t watch the video before sharing it. “oh yeah, we spent a couple hundred thousand on this video and it is only 49 seconds long. But, we couldn’t actually be bothered to look at it to make sure it is what we wanted.”

So I live in Vancouver, CAN, where this happened. It was released this week, no idea why it says 2014. When we saw the video, we were all stunned, because there’s SO much wrong with it. And it leaves SO many questions. SFU isn’t an inherently sexist school, and yet this? I even attended SFU for a certificate. I feel

To boot, I imagine they thought they were being transgressive since, you know: older woman professor/younger male student instead of older male professor/younger woman student.

It was a political philosophy class with a professor who had actually worked with Rawls before he died. She also taught a gender and philosophy class that would sometimes spill over into the political philosophy class (because duh).

The video was produced for SFU by an outside agency, and has lived in obscurity on the university’s youtube channel for two years, nestled in between tedious, one long shot, videos of lectures and other academic wowery. Last week, someone decided to send the link to all faculty and staff as a reminder that Feb 6 is,