
I’d like to think it’s because certain things get purposefully retired, like a jersey number hanging in the rafters.  

Reading this felt very odd, and I realized it was because I didn’t see the old Snacktaku tag. Can only imagine how Fahey might have reacted to this absurdity. May he RIP.

so this is why taco bell won the fast food wars in demolition man 

Taco Bell was test releasing the nuggets in October, up in Minneapolis, MN - I had them while visiting. They were Meh. It was the unnamed dipping sauce they came with, that was tasty as hell. Make sure they give you dipping sauce! lol

Doritos, Cheezits, Mountain Dew... They’re going to end up putting all of the stoner snacks into their products, aren’t they?

what is up with this trend of just recycling an article from another site on this network? i see that technically, the title and subtitle are changed...i guess that’s enough to be “different”

Great. Can’t wait for them to fail and the C suite has to make the incredibly difficult decision of firing everyone but themselves for their incompetence.

Maybe we’ve just played different games? The ones I’m thinking of have missable story content, power creep that you need to keep up with, a community you need to keep up with, or they end and you missed the last part of the story because you weren’t playing at the time (or it’s just a dissatisfying end).
I’m not saying

Guaranteed the same people who do this shit are the same ones that support Trump. 

Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t live-service games also tend to fail? I feel like there’s a literal handful of games out there making all the money in the world, and then hundreds and hundreds of expensive failures, with nothing in between

Gamers(tm) were a mistake.

Just a few hours ago Insomniac said their Devs are getting threats over a lack of spider-Man 2 updates. Gamers suck. 

I never understood the problem with that. Wasn’t pretty much the very first theory with the first trailer that Joel would die or is already dead in the game.
There were whole discussion over the trailer as far as I remember.

That people really got pissed about a friggin story-arc. And not even a really new one. Its

What kind of human garbage”

And most humans have time for a grand total of 1 or 2 of them

You don’t understand, she killed their Post apocalyptic self insert! Joel was everything they always thought they would be in a zombie apocalypse! You can’t just injure their main character syndrome like that!

video games need a giant crash like in the 80s and reset this shit timeline we are currently in

You underestimate humanity's willingness to fuck.

Someone has fucked it. Past tense.

To re-iterate.. someone is going to fuck that bucket.