What’s with the random authoritarianism? No need for any specific punishment as such, why should the guy forfeit a round when nobody was insulted, threatened or otherwise harmed?
What’s with the random authoritarianism? No need for any specific punishment as such, why should the guy forfeit a round when nobody was insulted, threatened or otherwise harmed?
*me after squinting at the name for several minutes*
That question could have ended five words sooner. They’re tone deaf towards everyone and everything.
Rules are rules? As mentioned in the article, the rules is “I can disqualify whoever I want for any reason”. That’s not a justification.
NetherRealm being tone deaf towards the community and petty?
I feel nothing for this game, and everything for those being forced to death march this game to the finish line.
Imagine how pathetic you have to be to pay money to cheat in Sea of Thieves. Fuck these people.
I am way more sour on this whole debacle than I should be, but damn if this isn’t disappointing. This is a clown move by Sony and a real bad look.
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You get a delay. You get a delay! EVERYONE GETS A DELAY!!!
This is very amusing to me in every way possible. I’m actually glad publishers aren’t deliberately releasing unfinished games. And I’m also positive that some of these games are being delayed to coincide with the PS5 release.
Well with Tencent being an arm of the Chinese Government’s speech apparatus; general social media misinformation campaigns by the Chinese and Russians; and the history of toxicity within the gaming community (see: anti-women, anti-minority, normalization of violence) - At best Tencent is the Fox News of gaming. Just…
It will remain independent until Tencent buys a majority stake and moves them into making mobile games forever.
Well, bye Platinum, I guess.
It’s not been for free. Microtransactions and loot boxes are the reason Overwatch is successful.
“Never believe that anti‐ Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti‐Semites have the right…
I guess it was fine dropping nukes on Japanese civilians then because they were apparently fine with their government in Wirld War II. I mean if they weren’t, they would’ve enacted a civil war right?
“Ruling class?” I’m pretty sure the majority of gun owners in the U.S. are either middle- or lower-class.
Dont forget that politicans love to speak of the USA as “we” and often use “we”in order to create a feeling of unity. So when people hear “America deserved 9/11" they hear “We deserved 9/11" because they connect those two words, because they have have grown accustomed to “USA = We”.
They’ve been cratering for a few years. Stock down over 90% during a bull market. It’s a world of digital purchases and Amazon, and they have nothing to offer over either. I bought a Switch online last holiday season from Gamestop and it was bar none the worst experience I’ve ever had with a retailer.
Biggest hit for me is Game Informer, they do great work and I don’t want to see them go!