
Know dudes like Rain. Toxic as hell manbabies who always claim theyre just jokeing when they bout to get folded like a piece of paper cause they scared. He clearly intimidated.

If they have a problem with people even talking about their own preivews maybe they should just not even announce any games until the day they come out. 

My friend had mcds the other day and said the fries sucked. I dunno maybe that has something to do with it to

They could by exclusively selling physical copies through their own storefront and limiting, requiring a sign up via email and sending a link for no more than 2 purchaes to each signed up individual, like playstation started doing with their hardware. Same with all the other retailers. There is plenty they could do

Which is probably fine for him since he'll go campaign and when he loses will blame all of floridas problems on the dems as is par for the course

Heres the issue with what youre saying. He didnt mean to leak them. He showed them off to his fellow nutcakes for clout. He didnt feed this to journalists or spread it on the internet for all to see. Hes not a whistleblower, hes just a jackass. Not even close to being a hero.

Considering all these companies sell our private information to literally everyone and make money off of said information, no, NDAS shouldnt exist. Considering how many times these companies have knowingly price gouged on what they knew were faulty or terrible products to, ditto. Their products arent top secret

Unless they have a vpn in which case good luck getting that ip address

Bullies are bullies regardless what their reasons are

God i love watching that mess go down

Isnt literally every video game filled to the brim with these assholes though? Youd have to let the entire games industry die to truly burn them out and theyre still in literally every other possible public forum out there. They were emboldened by their asshole leaders because yelling at them and calling them names

Back to? Theyre actively targeting gay rights. They never stopped.

They still ban these books, it has nothing to do with being unwoke, they just seize on ANY way they can to be pieces of human turd

Cancelled my preorder just the other day. The lack of backwards compatibility and fact that 95 percent of the games I already do or could own on the oculus quest 2, plus that price, and lack of exclusives for a system locked hardware just turned me around on it.

Kinda wish this would become industry standard. Instead of marketing campaigns lying about game quality and the like and announcing it years and years before it even comes out, just release a game when its ready

Took them long enough.

Its cute you think that was a violent outburst

Because everyones different, some people have different mental issues and chemical imbalances and react differently to moments of high stress not to mention unknown factors none of us could even know about? Its a video game tournament, not a nuclear submarine, they dont really have a vetting process for people other

Maybe you shouldnt go around calling people idiots or man babies while telling them to grow up. Might wanna follow your own advice

As opposed to having this kind of weird infatuation with holding druckman up as a golden idol? Because you equate anyone who says anything different with the worst extremes that are kind of like yourself and are closed minded and wont hear anyone out to anything they are saying? Cmon bro. Dude has not once ever said