
Pretty sure their review also stated imagine if this game was made on hardware that wasnt severly outdated.Β 

Kiryus story wasnt really finished though, it was left in limbo and opened the series up for new stories. It was never a closed ending he couldnt come back from. Im excited to see him hand the reins off to ichiban.

Think theyll ever learn and not release a game till its fini....ahahaha sorry couldnt finish the statement, its 343 studios were talking about.

Looking at this countrys history im actually not surprised at all.

Not only should it be shutdown, but everyone who ever used the site to harass others and the people that run it should be doxxed themselves, so they can all experience the joys they put other people through.

Been playing it. The voice acting is fine, the controls need some serious work (theres some really weird issues with the aiming...first the reticle will move slowly then slide like its on ice flying past the enemy youre trying to aim at), and theres a ton of bugs. Id definitely wait for a sale on this one so they can…

To have a SWAT TEAM show up at your house someone has to report that you have murdered and are currently planning on murdering more people and have bombs, weapons, etc like they did to this streamer. YES THE INTENT IS TO KILL THEM.Β 

Yessss exactly

I agree but thats how that community acted for years so its pretty funny to see them all doing this now. Couldnt happen to a nicer bunch

Yeah that toxic community spent so many years screaming git gud at people just trying to have fun, its hilarious to see them all melting down. 🀣 

1000 percent yes. You should see the reactions from people in my locality over verizon dropping OAN screaming about how it was the only "unbiased" news source. πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ€£

1 single ticket won it lol

Itd be nice if the original got a complete collection over here for once

Can we add them to Doom Eternal instead?Β 

It boggles my mind that the religion who absolutely loves to protect the predators in their ranks who prey on young children would wanna ban abortion πŸ€”...

Can you take a few of us in before you do? Whats the initiation ritual?

Some cynical part of me makes me think it isnt out of the kindness of their hearts. More like an opportunity to worm their way further into their employees private lives. How else are they gonna know to β€œhelp” you.

Seriously. That gameplay demo dull...and boring. Bethesda knows colors other than browns and greys exist right?

Because hes the type of person that would swat someone more than likely

Everyone has the right to be an asshole. Now the consequences from being an asshole on the other hand.....