
I traded hoopa in gts In Oras... When I go to the ghost girl in mount. Pyre after she said her quote and hoopa is in my party she said ‘ah...’

Disney acquired Star Wars too late in Kingdom Hearts 3’s development cycle for SquareEnix to be able to add anything substantial, me thinks. It’d be a pleasant surprise if there are Star Wars stuff in it, but its unlikely.

I always thought power fantasy is a copout. We’re sexual beings by nature, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Granted certain things are conditioned to be thought as more sexy (given the context of ideals in an era, like the Woman of Willendorf idol) but to classify one as over-sexualization over the other is kind

I never noticed before how big his balls are...

It’s kind of a tricky argument because it’s easy to call that “different because it’s a power fantasy”. But then we have characters like Urien too. He’s wearing even less than Zangief and his physique is much more...*ahem*.

What? Wrestlers in skimpy clothing that exposes bulges? No! Never been done before.

What about that airplane spin into an RKO outta nowhere from her tag team partner though? Then they hit the double rear view.... This trailer had me crackin’ up.

I...really don’t get the complaining over R.Mika’s outfit. I mean...real life wrestlers, male and female, are almost always wearing few clothes. That’s just a wrestling thing...isn’t it?

I love how you deny all females sexuality. There are in fact women like that in this world. Putting women in Burkas to hide their sexuality is certainly not a way to grow up my friend.

Fuck R. Mika. Get her right the fuck out of here. SF4 had stupid joke characters like El Fuerte and Dan, and it just ruined the tone of the game.

“and it just ruined the tone of the game.” Because excluding those characters, Street Fighter is all business. Street Fighter is campy as hell. Get over yourself.

Idk, she looks like a wrestler, and in any sort of american or mexican wrestling I’ve seen, they’ve typically had an outfit like that. It’s flashy, it draws attention, and I’m sure straight men and not-straight women and those in the middle find it attractive in some way.

Italy has a MASSIVE love affair for lupin III, i guess something resonates to us italians with a rogueish gentleman thief...

Wow. Suddenly I find myself wanting an Ezio Trilogy remake for PS4. That’s so much more impactful than anything I can remember from AC3 onwards. Thank you Roger Craig Smith!

Question: Is there a better place to be buried?

Reminds me I need to get around to finishing “Code of Princess” one of these days!

actually one of my favorite series this season and a big suprise, you know that the people making this grew up with jrpgs.

“ watching...”

It was about the censorship in mostly Animes and how ridiculous they sometimes are. You basically have seen every method how Animes these days censor nudity.