This is what the exact definition of “Git gud” should be.
This is what the exact definition of “Git gud” should be.
Why would you? I’m against racism, against sexism, and other things. Just because I don’t fall for every SJW nonsense doesn’t mean I’m an asshole ... more of an asshole.
Well, I think this is a bit of an EXTREME case, really. Especially considering this was an American branch. Sounds to me like the Japanese employees had a bit too much of a nationalistic mentality to be working in an American branch office.
I only brought up the comics because you brought abilities that Superman did not display in the DCAU. That aside, Superman killing or intending to kill people has happened rather recently in the comics. I’m not just referring to Superman’s original run here. So your claim that Superman always finds another way is just…
Superman doesn’t always find another way though. I don’t know how familiar you are with the comics, but Superman has killed or taken life-ending action multiple times. Even in doomsday scenarios such as this one. Even after the CCA loosened up their grip on the comics industry with their “heroes can’t kill anyone…
I respect your careful thought. Unfortunately, the answer is a cop out and there isn’t a way around it. I understand that many people want a Superman that always manages to bring about the best case scenario in any given situation and view him as the standard of heroism. Objectively, that is a Gary Stu. You don’t have…
This is why I specified DCAU superman. He definitely can’t do anything, and has limits.
Either way, changing their names doesn’t really change anything for me. A rose by any other name and all that.
The Justice Lords were still Wally, Shaera, Bruce, Clark, Diana, John, and John, these are completely different characters that happen to have the same superhero names in this dimension. From what we see here this Superman isn’t even trying to be a complete dictator, he’s a Kryptonian who’s legitimately trying to help…
Clark’s limitation is that he won’t take the step that means killing, even if it saves lives.
I wouldn’t really classify Dark Supe’s solution as evil. To be evil requires mal intent and there’s none of that there. He’s not doing it because he wants to inflict pain or because he loves violence. He does it because he is faced with the No-Win scenario. Save the kid and millions die. Hesitate and millions die.
Kid’s powers seemed to be growing at an equidistant radius from his physical location, moving him to the FoS very likely would only have served to vastly expand the damage. Instead of a growing field of death centered on a fixed location, you’d now have that same growing field of death centered on a moving target that…
What? DC’s animated movies, cartoons, and live action tv shows have always been good. The movies haven’t been bad either. Arrow and flash are really good shows. Even Smallville was really good back when it was on. It obviously is super cheesy now. Smallville was extremely popular and made the most money for WB/CW. The…
Bruce Timm said he sought to create a world where heroes acted in a fashion much more like how they would in the real world.
You’re correct about Langstrom here, seeing as the guy chowed down on Harley when he could easily have put her in jail. But Zod’s son? He made the best out of an impossible choice. He didn’t go out of his way to make the kid suffer and ultimately stopped millions more from dying.
Aww jeeze.. Plutonia kicks my ass on Ultra-Violence. I... damn.
I think someone cronenberged Shin-Chan...