Didn’t you hear? Video games are only played by children.
Didn’t you hear? Video games are only played by children.
It comes down to video games just not being as respected, and they haven’t existed long enough. Then I’d pack on that just some of the audience need to grow up, and not assume the worst like when Lara was groped in that early Tomb Raider trailer.
I agree nothing about this game’s art style looks good to me. There are better colorfull bright shooters like sunset overdrive, there are much more realistic looking shooters shooter like bf. This game honestly looks uninspired rip or Team Fortress but with all of the fun drained. I feel bad for the devs because I…
Perfectly stated. I look at this and just see another TF2 knockoff.
Fucking borderlands, fucking it up for everyone
Honestly, I'd like to see a team based shooter with the movement system from Sunset Overdrive.
“But mainstream appeal...”
They weren’t thinking of it in terms of a sniper rifle or silent combat. It was a reliable rifle that could be mass-produced. The sniper-rifles were typically bolt action, like the Springfield. The “ping” wasn’t a defining noise in the middle of an urban firefight. It was also semi-automatic, which was a huge…
What story would it focus on, though? The main plot of the saga is pretty damn long for a feature film, but more importantly, it barely contains any witchering. The story is great in its own right, but I feel that if you want to make an adaptation of the story of the practitioner of a fictional profession that it…
The M1 was a basic infantry rifle, the idea of individual marksmen was the status quo in ww1 and the early years of ww2. It was not designed to be a close intimate urban and jungle fighting weapon, it was designed to pick someone off at 400+ yards with a 30-06 heavy ass round. The ping was considered negligible at…
Plus, since you were probably part of a fire team, there was a guy next to you ready to cover you while you reloaded.
From what I remember, it was a design to help the soldiers, by ejecting the clip it made it quicker to reload, leading to less down town between when you are firing. I am sure the soldiers much preferred the advantages the rifles gave them over a possible indication that you are out of ammo for the moment.
Not that there’s anything wrong with being an anime nerd!
I need a mod where we can get a scissor blade and wear Senketsu on any of the characters.
No my friend, there is never enough porn. Also, don’t even go down that rabbit hole, for your own sake. /34/ has no limits.
The controversy over this game, was rather predictably, massively overwrought. The game really isn’t that big a deal at all. But no, let’s discuss how disgusting it is in loads of articles and drive sales for them. Makes sense.