Actually, he put the apostrophe there because (paraphrasing) “it’s funny that lots of black athletes have apostrophes in their names, right??”
Actually, he put the apostrophe there because (paraphrasing) “it’s funny that lots of black athletes have apostrophes in their names, right??”
What pisses me off most about jagoffs like this guy...
Truly, Team No One.
Transfolks, I’m so sorry that this is happening to you. You matter. You deserve to live unafraid of others. You deserve to be safe.
Personally, I’m rooting for the lighting rig to fall.
Why is Jon king?
If they’re trying to convince me that he doesn’t have Alzheimer’s and the only person who can manage him is his daughter, they’re failing. Miserably.
Agreed, men should not have to wear suits. Among many other things, it’s a huge contributor to overuse of air conditioning and detrimental to our environment and natural resources.
How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?
It’s one of their top five whining points, but they don’t rearrange their lives for it. They don’t text their friends when the cab driver gets them home safely or carry their keys like Wolverine, just in case a lying slut pops out in a parking garage.
You can certainly hate it, but it’s not a McMansion. It was built in 1850! Maybe Churchill Downs is an homage to this house.
Why aren’t the NRA folks rioting over this? A responsible gun owner did everything you’re supposed to do but was killed.
Looking forward to all the people on this board who, during the election, claimed Hillary was as bad as Trump - who are all now pretending like they weren’t wringing their hands about the importance of 3rd parties and insisting on voting for the perfect gluten-free biodynamic political candidate of their choice…
Because the officers should be charged with killing two people, not one.
Just think, if Scalise had his way, Griner’s wife would not have been able to immediately visit her in the hospital or inherit her estate if things had turned out even worse.
The big difference is that if I’m armed with a cheeseburger I’m only harming myself over the course of a lifetime. With a gun I can harm many people in mere moments.
Well .. except for those many citizens who would be alive today if the folks who shot them dead had been required to pass more stringent background checks etc, instead of being issued guns willy nilly. Didn’t benefit them much tbh.
It’s not necessarily about products that harm people, but about products that harm other people. You can have a debate about self-harming products (like large volume sodas and cigarettes) vs. personal liberties, but this isn’t the same scenario. I’m not saying there isn’t a slippery slope here, but it is different. …