
Could there be a better example of this astute observation?

The GOP blew a 237-193 lead in the House.

In fact, I think God’s Plan for this dude is a pair of smashed kneecaps, and I’m feeling a calling from the Lord.

I am a person who got pregnant as a result of a rape. And I say this guy can go fuck himself.

As a Canadian watching from afar, I still don’t understand why people are bringing religion into this. The US is where people say “separation of church and state”, right? That’s a thing you supposedly have? Am I taking crazy pills?

Anyone bringing theological debate to a secular legislature should be disqualified. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, you asshole.

“And what is your purpose in visiting the United States?”

There are plenty of teams who could use a power back, especially one with something to prove

Yeah, won’t matter. The people who believe every word Trump says basically are immune to facts and reason and independent thought.

IMO, it’s the power imbalance that makes it hilariously petty and undermines Lonergan’s response. The student’s piece is fully what I expected from a college newspaper taking on a big social commentary story, but I expect waaaaaaaay more from a fully-grown man who just won an Oscar. I expect him not to attempt to

When someone brings up PC-culture as a refutation, it’s always the final square of Asshole Bingo. His refutation points more to the fact that he’s totes okay with Affleck because he doesn’t see anything wrong with behaving like Affleck, than to whatever point he was trying to make (we’re all so mean? I dunno).

PC-fueled sense of indignation

If Casey Affleck can’t feel safe reading college newspapers, where can he feel safe?

“but not exactly egregious or abnormal for a 19-year-old kid.”

Counterpoint: it’s is quite literally abnormal.

If your first reaction to someone dumping a drink on your friends head is to follow them to their car, menace them so they can’t leave, and do damage to their property you might need some social skills/life coaching. I understand 19-year-olds do dumb shit, however we do not know the circumstances of why the drink was

Fucking scumbags. I’m so goddamn tired of putting athletics before basic human decency. Fuck it right? This douche can make some baskets or run fast and score some touchdowns so if he hits or rapes women, it’s swept under the rug.

Republican North Dakota Rep. Kevin Cramer was pretty tweaked by the idea of Democratic women wearing white to last night’s joint session. “It is a syndrome. There is no question, there is a disease associated with the notion that a bunch of women would wear bad-looking white pantsuits in solidarity with Hillary

Hats off to Italy’s coach, Bill Beliciccio.

Without knowing what their relationship is like, for me, no not really.

May make him an asshole but I’m not ready to equate men who cheat with men who sexually harass/assault women.