
And JMS is on record as saying that he tried to et more involved in directing in Season 1, but soon realised his lack of experience in that area would be too much of an issue. Personally, I’d regard Lana as playing the traditional showrunner role on this fairly untraditionally put together series.

Not that I’m aware of but it’s probably the most memorable one to the standard film-goer. I don’t think there’s been a more successful film based on his work.

Michaela Coel just denied the casting rumours on Twitter.

After release, sure. Prior to release...

My guess would be that the season finale involves her being framed for her husband’s murder - it definitely looks like they’re setting her up with motives and with someone ready to condemn her for it.

On reflection, I’m pretty sure I was thinking of the Emmys.

I was wondering that too. It’s only eight hours long, while the first series of The Expanse is ten hours long - perhaps that’s the breakpoint? Or perhaps it’s a choice made by the creators - as I recall, shows normally submit specific episodes as their Hugo “picks”. I could be misremembering though.

Yup - one of the few data points Netflix did reveal a few years back was the average “binge point” on some shows - ie, if someone watches as far as this episode that means they’ll watch the rest of the series as well.

Vixen appears a lot in the second season of Justice League (Justice League Unlimited) if that would be up your friend’s street. She’s an interesting character there - she seems to be filling a one-dimensional need at first, but then turns out to have a lot more depth than you’d think.

I believe those numbers came from a third-party analytics firm though, and I’m not sure how they sourced them. Netflix are notorious for guarding that type of info pretty jealously.

there are only so many stories that you know you can tell again and again and again about Spidey

Glad to hear the 12 Monkeys is renewed, mostly because I already thought it was. Love that show, and am always a bit worried that I don’t hear people talking about it much.

Automatically a bit creeped out every time I see Aubrey Plaza now because of Legion. She is killing it on that show.

“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”

They got Luke Cage into his classic outfit including tiara, so I’d be pretty hopeful they get some version of the Iron Fist outfit in at some point.

Other than Power Rangers and Pokémon—both of which never actually went away—nothing in the ‘90s hit the same level of cultural cachet as ‘80s toy/cartoon/property juggernauts.


I was just coming in to post this. The YJ version of Black Manta was always my favourite, not least because it draws on classic pulp archetypes. (Specifically, it always had the feel of Tarzan villains like Christopher Waltz’s character in the recent movie - villainous adventurers out to get the maximum plunder from

Yep - beta version of SKSE 64 bit is due to be out mid-March. The good news is it should then be a straight port for mods. (The better news is that the SKSE team are also porting SkyUI over, so you’ll get better menus and the Mod Configuration Menu.)