
I got my Hunniepop and I’m sure I’ll get Mighty No9 (who am I kidding I probably won’t) and Shantae 1/2 Hero.

9 major games and who knows how many spin offs in less than 10 years. Why do people keep buying this?

Have you gotten the viagra DLC expansion pack?

I have yet to come across that Hulk Buster because if I had I would have bought it no questions asked. I got the Mulan at least :)

The game looks whatever. If you call that fast then you don’t know how fast Smash can be (specially Melee)

You are aware that the 360 version is shit and not worth mentioning right?

I was watching the stream myself and yeah he did say 1 new spell but think about it, there is FF games where they don’t introduce new spells and sometimes they have a poor selection in general.

Well to be fair Smash U ruined it for me. At this point I’m sure it did for a lot of people

The FFXIII audio was 32GB if I recall correctly.

This is actually the ending for Metal Gear not for MGSV. At the end of MG Solid kills Ahab wich is the Big Boss from MGSV.

Nanomachines are not to be questioned, we learned that in MGS4

“Got any favorites?”

Going undetected through a whole mission always feels great and gives a sense of accomplishment but going on a rampage and do silly stuff is always fun. I say play the game normally the first time and then aim for the best scores.


If Nintendo has prooved something over the decades is that its not about quantity, its about quality. I’ll take a game like Mario World any day over 100 Apple games. Each system’s exclusives are enough to obliterate all of Apples whole selection.

I’m not joking when I say my jaw dropped

Its not their skill its the lag, I seen myself bursting out of nowhere and when the camera pans out to the killer he suddenly appears. Its annoying to fight rollers like that (specially when you are a close fighter)

Anime fans do not suck. Anime FANBOYS suck and very hard. Anyone can like anime but when it comes to the people who like every piece of shit that is made in Japan THEN we have a problem, also do not get me started on weaboos

Digimon? XD

Sometimes I look at the stuff I do in Smash and wonder how am I capable of doing that?