As a game designer myself I see it as plagarism. I know some mods are amazing butmy question is this: If you have so much talent why not make your own game or work for one?
As a game designer myself I see it as plagarism. I know some mods are amazing butmy question is this: If you have so much talent why not make your own game or work for one?
I’m honestly waiting for an HD port for PS4. Maybe an HD PC Port would be nice too.
I never cared to buy it in either format. Now I’m seeing why and I’m glad I never touched it. Let us just assume it does not exist at all.
I wasn’t disturbed in the slightness. Am I weird?
Impossible, if they are indeed going against the gods then the transformation is required from the get go. MAYBE they’ll have more transformations later like -sigh- super saiyan god super saiyan Vegeto or a level 2/3. I think whatever comes next will require SSGSS from the get go.
Well I think the blue hair looks nice, I like the yellow one better but the blue one is sexy
Gosh but look what time it is!
Either you ask someone which episodes to skip or just read the manga straight up. Either way I feel the series went down to hell after Pain. The Last movie was actually pretty good, this one whoever feels like that DBZ GT movie where you kinda care but don’t at the same time
In Urobuchi’s defense he left after the third episode, why you think the first 3 episodes are good and then it starts feeling bland? If he had stayed so many characters would have died, they looked like characters that are meant to be vastly loved to just end up dying like Rayet, but nothing happened in the end.
I feel like posting so many choices that are more adequate as to get people into anime and manga that are much better than this list
It could have been much better but its still really good. In all honesty do not take personal opinions just do a background check of the directors and decide from there if to try it or not.
I personally thought it could have gone much better. I was expecting someone to die and someone to sacrifice himself. It was fun to watch but it didn’t give me something to remember it for a long time (outside the music)
When companies sell Easy control schemes then we have a problem and A BIG ONE
If there is something I have learned is that Arcade games always go to the Playstation sooner or later. SE making those renders is no coincidence and I’m sure we are up for a ride. Also if I recall correctly the director of Dissidia wanted to make a PS4 Dissidia tittle so its more than a for sure this is for PS4 in…
FF8 is the most bland FF and most real FF fans can agree with this. You sound more like a fanboy in all honesty.
Wow if you consider Xillia the best JRPG from last gen that’s sad. Even Graces was much better on the Wii than Xillia and Graces f was just amazing but regardless Xenoblade blows them out of the water, if the graphics bother you then that’s sad too.
Most people knew this was going to be the case. The way I see it they did it to push and see to what the N3DS is capable of but I’m sure most people rather play this on the Wii (myself included).
Oh I see, I did not know that I was just assuming they were a little to powerful because lets be honest, PK Freeze is a little bit to good. Mario’s giant fire ball is a nice set up and can land if you read a spot dodge and if that thing lands there is so many stuff you can do to punish.
But we do know the schedule. April 15th.