That'd be so cool. Especially with these mechanics here. Jason's got spidey senses to make it easier to find the others/prevent aimlessly wandering, but the counselors have the opportunity to disrupt that for a short time, like with the music.
That'd be so cool. Especially with these mechanics here. Jason's got spidey senses to make it easier to find the others/prevent aimlessly wandering, but the counselors have the opportunity to disrupt that for a short time, like with the music.
I think this would be so much fun in a multiplayer fashion with people being Jason and the counselors at the same time. The gorier version of hide and seek.
I swear his biceps in that movie could've won the Oscar for him on their own.
well i mean, Franco is going to play him in the Disaster Artist film, so………
Jesus, what is Ewan trying to do with that accent.
Yeah, I've been hoping for a namedrop, too. Or at least some reference to it.
Yeah, that's probably got something to do it. Lord knows that the tone went even more nuts in AE, and looks like it's gonna be even more hectic in DR3.
It's always interesting to compare the two main games and see how vastly different they are as far as tone is concerned. While the first definitely has those characters who're trying to break out of that mold, you've got the characters in the second one who want to fit a certain mold.
It did. It didn't come out localized until two years ago, though.
Really? I never saw much of an arc coming from Bob, unless it was in tangent with someone else (Thorgy, Derrick).
It's weird because I've seen Dax perform, and she can really turn it. I never expected her to win either, but she definitely had a few more in her. I've heard her personality is actually pretty much like how she seemed on cam, so that might not've helped, either.
Completely agreed. Not to mention that I always like looking at brands and seeing where they've come from, so this was especially nice. There's just something about process and how it ends up with the current product that always fascinated me.
It's a toss-up between the Lathorean Gorge and the Temple of Darkness in Tales of Symphonia.
Thought that too, primarily in the first shot you see him as the Starks are coming up. Glad that wasn't just me, haha.
Holy shit, seriously? That… sounds really tedious. I love Illustrator, but I can't imagine doing animation in it. My friends who're animation/motion graphics majors can barely stand doing it in Photoshop, much less Illustrator.
The one guy from Napoleon Dynamite?
Yeah, I was reading that too after I saw the comment. Cartoon Brew has always been pretty solid. They just might be working on it for at least a few more months. They may be 11 minutes long, but 104 episodes is definitely no easy feat, for anyone.
That's weird; a friend of mine just got an internship with them and was told that she was gonna be working on UG.
My main problem with the movie was always about Natasha's stupid "i'm broken because i can't have kids" plot line that only really served to further the relationship with Banner.
The only streamer/LP that I can stand watching is Vinesauce, specifically Vinny. For whatever reason, he just doesn't grate on me as much as literally everyone else does.