
No, he was telling people to not watch streams because they weren’t indicative of what the finished game would actually be. Which was correct... People get way too tin foil hat with this stuff. This is how EVERY game is developed in 2016, No Man’s Sky is no different. They have to get a gold build done for physical

They always said that the game has story and goals, albeit in a rather loose sense, but they are entirely optional. You can ignore them at your leisure and explore the universe in the way you like best.

Incoming: pearl clutching from people who think only AAA games in boxes are worth this much.

In the world of reviews and youtube playthroughs 40$ is not that much money if the game is good. A lot goes into these games and if a person is going to get value out of it, whatever they personally deem that value, then its fine.

Pricier than I expected, but in the same time it’s not upsetting as long as it lives up to the hype. Pricing it as 40 has raised my expectations of what I thought would be a shorter game.