
Love the post from “Not17thAngel” in Shinfo13’s entry

Its the Sonillac pit!!!! And you bet he loves it!!!

Does a mention about my post count as a category win? ? I’ll consult with my bosses. But either way Amazingmao the true winner this week congrats my friend!!! And I guess congrats to GLLong76 and the rest of you non BOB recipients for the other stuff he mentioned above.

Sorry had to do this one

this might be a mashup that just shows how old I am...

GoS: Game of Smash

RDJ has some free time now.

My previous comment bugged out, here you go.

War, what is it good for?

Hopefully we won’t see any speedruns

Terry Crews as He-Man

I don’t know why he always acts like it was so hard to save Hyrule. What do you guys think?

Bond: Here’s a gun. Looks more fitting for a woman.