
Two out of six men on the US Supreme Court are accused sexual predators. These men are supposed to be the best examples of men in the land, appointed to the highest court in the land. Yet Brett Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas make up of a third of them. This a sorry state of affairs that even the #notallmen crowd should

I’ve got an idea for a collective response:

Rest and cry it out. Then put on your big person underpants and fight. You do not get to give up. My tribe has been fighting for our rights since country was built on our blood. It feels like ten steps forward then 7 steps back. YOU DO NOT GIVE UP. Ask every person running for senate to begin impeachment hearings for

Also, can we use the title Accused Rapist Kavanaugh? He should never be called “Justice”.

Unfortunately, as I’m not American (or a Russian oligarch), I’m prohibited from making financial contributions to US candidates.

Please quit calling Joe Manchin a Democrat.

Donate to battleground races, we need the help more than ever. Here’s a list:

I want to scream. This jackass lied under oath multiple times, probably sexually assaulted women, and too few people give a shit. 

Hell, I don’t even know what I can do as an American woman. Today’s a good day to stay in bed. 

When it was balanced against the GOP yes, now though HAHAHAHA.

It’ll be ok. He promised.

More likely two generations.

I may have my differences with Barack politically, but when I see those two together? You can’t but just look at them and:

Sometimes the only choice is a shit sandwich or starvation.

Also, nice bit of projecting here from Megyn. She’s the one who wanted to stick it to Hanoi Jane and it went sideways on her. Now she’s claiming that Fonda’s reaction was political? Bitch please. 

TIL that hubs and I share an anniversary with the Obamas, a fact that I will cherish in my cold, cynical heart.

Kelly went on “[Fonda] answered that question in about 40 different forums. It was nothing wrong with me. And she’s answered it in 40 more forums since!”

Every time I see the Obamas:

I wish more single famous women would talk about it. A lot of people in relationships refuse to accept the notion that single people could be as happy as they are. It’s not a contest.