
I forgot where i read an article stating that the whole consolidating of Sony, is actually already saving them money, in the billions, of course i could be wrong, and OH MY GOD GIANT STRINGER FACE!!!

@spannu: or the people that went down with it! Oh man i'm sorry :/ :(

I've heard good things about the anime. I have it but I've been to lazy :/ I'll get to it and then see what the game is about.

Considering that caterpillars either evolve to ugly moths or beautiful butterflies, I wonder what other updates are to come with TGS coming around the corner :D.

Hey, since i was too lazy to ask you earlier, but did any of the editors attend VGL? I was looking around to say hi but too many people and i lost my glasses. :(

@FP Shindokie: There we go, just checked up ign, and it seems there are some surprises still tomorrow.

Are there any surprises left or is that all?

This is going to be an instant buy!

@πæπœ: Not it's the same thing Kos-Mos is just a larger form and stuff.

@Sheky will be in a 2D orgy: I actually wonder if they actually finished the 6 part series... with i think xenogears being the 6 ep. of 7... i forgot how it went.

Sadly I preferred Xenogears over this. It sucks they ended it with this, but i still think this Xenogear would win :)

Lots of color makes me think that there will no longer be brown or gray environments!

@Shinta: hahaha I lol'd for a good while!

Does more drinking mean less clothing? So beside the drinking this is similar to idol master?

that's something you would see at Venice Beach aka Muscle Beach,... and home to many crack heads

Hahaha, I know that guy in the pic, and that's the Gamestop at Universal City Walk.