
I wish i had money to spare because i would buy this.

Would be nice if this game with in gam XMB but hey whatever its a start :D. I hope they have trophies for mgs4 because i'm going to rape that game out of its trophies.

This really does suck. Developers bust balls to bring games and the only revenue they get is when people actually buy it. It's fucked up and when people aren't making any games for the pc anymore people can't complain

Man Colbert is made of genius! IT sucks i don't have cable to watch his shows :(. I assume RAIIINNNNN is going to be the new internet meme toKAAAAHNNNNNN

@ProsaCC: They are not going to be giving you a 60gb. Its most likely a 80gb or 40gb .

Is Michael Quitting? NOOOOOOO!!!!

This is made of total awesomeness. I would buy it but then again i don't need a lamp. Wouldn't hurt to hold onto it though.