
Not to mention that he seems to be doing a lot of the work outside on the ground. Who needs a vice or a table anyway....

Sounds legit.

At least they weren’t scalping.

Gabe is such a free spirit.

For a moment there, I thought he meant to say “I even own it”... Look at this guy, bragging about owning a bottle of sake.

Just don’t tell them about Half Life Alyx reusing a bit of code from the original Quake game for its light flickering effect.

And where, pray tell, would I be able to see pics and videos of a japanese game writer’s guinea pigs?

Yeah, it’s not gonna matter because the linux gaming userbase is literally zero and they’re not gonna make any money off of it.

The biggest two things that actually make PSVR2 stand out from any other consumer headset are not even briefly mentioned in the article. Sad, but not unexpected. For anyone interested - foveated rendering and HDR.

Ikr, especially given it’s likely to be the first consumer headset to come to market with foveated rendering, not to mention HDR.

As the others have mentioned there are no external cameras. You only have the headset itself, the motion controllers and the single usb cable connected to the console.

I’ll take Sony’s PS1/2/3/4/5 any day over the mess that is xbox 360/one/x/series x/s.

I take it the abundance of screens on the walls is there to radiate the required amount of gamer juice.

The slew of bugs is understandable, it’s just an “Early Access” game after all.

Do Duke Nukem next.

The boxes are full of dreams and potential!

Is it any good without co-op?

Dark Souls was released in 2011 on PS3. 7 years later a remaster was released on PS4.