
From the top picture it looks like something akin to a hose clamp keeps them attached. It can be tightened or loosened.

Hello, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare 2.

How does it compare to Legend of Grimrock (1/2), apart from the turn based combat?

The colours remind me of Betrayer:

Is that when it’s going to be free to play?

Good point. I thought maybe it’s just shown from a different perspective. But the girl remains completely unchanged, so change of boy’s height makes more sense.

I didn’t watch the anime, so this is purely based on the stills.

Why didn’t I realize this sooner?

Such immersion!

If a kid stays up until 2am on a school night for any reason - it’s called bad parenting.

In hindsight, not the best town for a relaxing vacation.

I would buy the shit out of a reboot.

Yep. Looks like for the time being the update was pushed out only to select countries.

No need for L3D, when we have HL3... I mean Portal 3... nvm...

We weren’t trained to catch shoplifting, we were trained to make sure that people were not being overcharged.

Now playing

It looks like he is just exhausted from doing tiger push-ups.