Very handy, cheers. I have used that website a couple of times before, but somehow managed to miss the fact that they provide browser extensions.
I finished SOMA quite recently. I really enjoyed all the unique monsters, and their different quirks. That being said, they don’t always work in the game. When they do it’s great, when they don’t - they’re an unnecessary annoyance.
Pretty much same as the last game:
Damn you, infinite article scroll...
The refection in the air is also different.
Pretty much same as the last game:
Fair enough. I thought by “any application” you meant all applications, not only specific applications.
The article only mentions iOS. How is the situation different when you give camera access to an application in Android?
Unsociable even.
This should definitely be played on xbox or playstation. I managed to finish it recently on PC, but I’ve spent twice as much time troubleshooting crashes and glitches, as I spent playing the game.
Don’t be silly. Who could possibly proofread that whole article in a reasonable amount of time?
That’s why I personally see no point in an idle game that I can’t access through a browser. The only reason I play them is to waste a bit of time at work, there are far better games to play at home.
Mmm... that sexy long action bar... me like...
If Jim Sterling’s your thing, he has also covered this in detail: