
@Cross_Da_Fire: Yeah, its actually an ePad. A rather janky Chinese android tablet. I had one propping my door open for a bit.

@Saboth: Yeah. Im fairly certain those are the kind of tree they have in hell.

@Pookiewood: To be totally honest, the primary reason *I* dumped TW in favor of Launcher Pro is entirely because it looked far too much like iOS for my tastes. While the iOS UI felt sleek and innovative 4 years ago, it's been copied to the point that I personally no longer find it interesting, but rather common.


@noisy doll: Thats fair. You seemed to better articulate what I was attempting to say.

@indprod: Im inclined to agree. Nothing says IKEA or Pier One like a "theme". A unifying element is one thing, but a theme is just tacky.

@nootron: At least he didnt say "micro$oft".

@sarge5: As have I. However, unless you have an actual metric to qualify the term "excellent" or "finest" it is understood that using terms such as those ARE entirely subjective, as you said.

@sarge5: Have you visited every other part of the world to be able to say that the statement is false?

@RoboticSpacePenguin: Given that I have had Android tablets in my hand (even if crappy early Chinese models), Ive got to ask, which is the one that exists?


@A.Jaswal: The Galaxy S is actually the easiest Android device I have ever rooted. 3 minutes max, including downloading and transferring the update.

@20tolife: Well aren't we too damned cool for the room?