
If you didn’t go through the whole list, then how do you know she’s not on it?

If you watch a fun Bond movie and immediately think sexism and racism, then guess what?

OK Grandpa.

Wait until you learn about Muslims...

Before we go any further, I’d just like to point out how disturbing it is that you equate eating a block of cheese with some sort of bachelor paradise.

Isn’t Syria supposed to cede land as well to Palestine?

Perhaps they should go to their local Hamas (who they elected via apathy) doctor, see how that works out.

Yeah, they are supposed to be professional slicing artists, so if they can’t do their job right, that’s a THEM problem.

Employees need to realize that any work that can be done from home, can also be done from home in Bombay, at 20 cents on the dollar.

It literally took me about 6 months to watch J! in earnest again after James and Matt Amodio lost. I thoroughly enjoyed watching their opponents get obliterated.

“ah yes, let see, I will take <very long clue with every word spoken> for $100, Alex, please.

Hobble superior play? Always the answer from the mediocre group. Let’s just award everyone the win, while we are at it.

Who the hell eats a god damn full meal at 7pm? After eating breakfast and lunch previous?

Anytime an artist does a talk show, it’s an admission that they’ve run out of steam with whatever was their main talent and are now coasting

Why would this show need writers, all they do is talk. And the crew needs to make money. Or will the writers pay all the crew’s expenses during the strike?

This so called “law” did not make it “harder” to steal them. Not one bit.

Solid state batteries are the future of EV. Always been, always will be.

I don’t understand. You went fucking CAR SHOPPING while your dad was dying?

Chipotle Is Getting More Expensive—Again?

Beans can go in chili con carne (which is what the majority of you honkeys think is chili and serve at your whitebread PTA meetings). Hell, put peas (like you do for your fake ass guacamole) in it if you want, no one one will give a shit.