
How about when the winning fist guy keeps on punching until the loser suffers fatal brain or internal injuries? Is that OK, because after all, no guns were used?

Spare tampon holder.

Chili on burgers is pointless. If your patty is so tasteless that it cannot stand on its own and you have to put more beef on it, then you failed as a burgermeister. Otherwise, just make a Sloppy Joe.

That dish is not chili, it is spaghetti. It really should be renamed Cincinnati Spaghetti.

That’s because you’ve been eating chili con carne (which uses ground beef, and beans is OK in that), not genuine Texas Red. I can understand a scalawag from Trump’s New York City being confused about this distinction, but the fact that you have gone four decades without knowing the difference is alarming.

There’s no beans in real Texas chili, also known as Texas Red. There’s also no ground beef in Texas Red. It’s cubed beef.

You already own a pod, it’s called a car...

If I’m already ordering pizza (which is fundamentally bread), why would I want even more bread? Sides are supposed to be different from the main course.

Shouldn’t they at least provide reliable ice cream machines that don’t constantly break down first before having the audacity to increase their usurious rent seeking?

Look Dennis. You are crying that typical doughy crust “tears up your throat”, but ignore the fact that Dominos style cracker crust is harder? This makes no sense.

If you head over to Waller for this, for your own health and safety make sure you don’t go out for some recreational bicycling.

That’s why doggy style exists, rookie...

According to The Root, is it true that Whites can only patronize The Cookout if they are first invited by a Black friend? Do I really need to bring a bag of ice?

Counterpoint: this thing looks weird and ugly.

Huh? What fuckery of a hot take is this? You are actually expecting bus drivers to have a Master degree in Applied Tire Engineering just to operate a bus for $8 an hour (san benefits)?

Negro, please. 10 years from now you’ll be crying about not being able to buy this and moaning “it really was a decent car”, like you people always do when they are gone.

Can you really blame Rudy? After all, Cassidy is fine as hell. I’d be groping her too if she were in the vicinity.

Why should they? They sure as hell don’t shoulder losses.

Wow, even the cars in Australia want to kill you!

You know who needs MORE support than pampered actors and writers?